Discover how a month of passionate Leo and nurturing Virgo vibes will shape your sex and love life.
Leo season gets a lot of credit for bringing heat, passion, and off-the-charts sex appeal to the month of August. But the last two weeks of the month, hosted by mutable earth sign Virgo, can be just as steamy in a quieter, more thoughtful way. Who doesn’t love it when a date or soulmate takes charge and goes all out for the ultimate date night or a perfectly tailored gift.
Aries ♈️ (March 21 – April 19)
Around August 8, when the new moon is in your fifth house of romance, you’ll want to express yourself in a way that’s more in tune with what’s in your heart. Revamping your Tinder profile or experimenting with something new (like a new toy ?) between the sheets could be just what you need right now.
Don't be surprised if you're inspired to change things up in a flash, because exciting game-changer Uranus has been invited to this party, making it important to expect the unexpected.
And as romantic Venus moves through your seventh house of partnership from August 16 to September 10, whether you're just meeting someone new or already have someone, more mindful connection time can feel super satisfying. Enjoy a date that lasts hours and hours, or toss your phone aside to dedicate at least one full day each weekend to bonding with your loved one.
Taurus ♉️ (April 20-May 20)
Thanks to messenger Mercury moving through your fifth house of romance from August 11-29, you'll be feeling extra flirty and creative. Consider channeling those vibes into a sweet project for your partner or planning an inventive date night with someone new, and you could be laying the groundwork for something truly wonderful.
Then, after spending quality time pumping up the fun and spontaneity last month, sweet Venus, your ruler, moves into your sixth house of daily routine on August 16, making you more aware of the practical side of love. If you’re single, you may find yourself weighing the pros and cons more than usual when pursuing a potential match. If you already have a sweetheart, you’ll want to do more daily tasks together.
The intersection between love, sex, and your physical and emotional well-being is also extra pronounced now, so thinking about how your relationships are fueling your well-being – or not – is key to making the most of the moment.
Gemini ♊️ (May 21 - June 20)
Prepare to be a magnet for all things fun as romantic Venus moves through your fifth house of romance from August 16 to September 10. If you’re single, your innate vibrancy, communication skills, and zest for life will be amplified and found incredibly attractive by anyone you set your sights on. If you’re already committed, you and your partner will find it easy to infuse your daily lives with even more fun, flirtation, and magic.
Either way, letting yourself be in the moment as much as possible is key to seeing sparks fly. And around August 22, the full moon lands in your ninth house of adventure for the second month in a row, this time teaming up with lucky Jupiter to motivate you to take a leap of faith. In other words, this lunar event wants to help you make your wildest fantasies come true.
Don't hesitate to speak your truth and explore new sexual territory, and you'll be on your way to setting a seriously hot and truly satisfying tone and moving forward now.
Cancer ♋️ (June 21 - July 22)
As if you weren’t already a homebody, sweet Venus will be moving through your fourth house of domesticity from August 16 to September 10, making nesting time even more joyful. Sex may take on a more sentimental, gentle vibe, and simple, homely pleasures, like learning to cook with your lover or inviting a date over for a glass of wine and a home-cooked meal, will feel even better than usual.
Around August 22, when the full moon falls in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, you’ll work with expansive Jupiter to really ramp up the intensity of the moment—and your happiness. Since the moon fell in the same sign last month, you’ve probably already been meditating on your boundaries—and what makes you feel most comfortable in a current or future relationship. Now, taking bold, confident steps toward fulfilling your desires can feel not only good, but also truly satisfying.
Leo ♌️ (July 23 - August 22)
You’ve been focused on work lately, but as the planet of love, dear Venus, moves through your third house of communication from August 16 to September 10, you’ll have more opportunities to be social (think: more dates with new singles or spontaneous outdoor dating adventures). Interesting conversations and brainstorming sessions can spark imaginative ideas with dates or your partner, and you’ll be all excited about the intellectual stimulation.
And around August 22, when the full moon lights up your seventh house of partnership for the second month in a row, you may have a powerful realization about how to bring your best self to an existing or future relationship. Teamwork is a big theme right now, as is give and take. It may be time to rationally address the elephant in the room with your soulmate or to share what you’re looking for in a super-clear, no-nonsense way on your Tinder profile. Steps like these can lay a meaningful foundation for growth.
Virgo ♍️ (August 23 - September 22)
With messenger Mercury, your ruler, moving through your sign from August 11 to 29, talking about your desires, fantasies, and grand visions comes more naturally. Particularly on August 20, when the communication planet forms a harmonizing trine with game-changer Uranus, being especially direct and true to yourself can be an eye-opener and leave you feeling like you’re laying the groundwork for the romantic future you’ve always wanted.
And as the radiant sun moves through your sign from August 22 to September 22, you’ll enjoy a burst of vitality and confidence to take your current relationship or dating situation to the next level. As you become even more empowered in your feelings, you’ll be certain that in your heart, you deserve nothing less than what you bring to the table.
Libra ♎️ (September 23 - October 22)
While it's not quite your season, you'll be especially magnetic, attractive, and centered as romantic Venus moves through your sign from August 16 to September 10. The planet of love is happy and at home in your sign, and her presence there means the world will be speaking your love language.
This is the time to prioritize all the pleasurable activities you’ve been daydreaming about, from classic romantic dates (candlelit baths, anyone?) to that luxurious weekend getaway on the beach. These experiences can help you radiate positivity from within.
And around August 22, the full moon joins forces with lucky Jupiter to light up your fifth house of romance and self-expression. You’ll want to take a break from work to focus on the lighter side of life—and you’ve got the green light to do just that. Even if you worry about being irresponsible and too much in the moment, allowing this fun side of your life to reap long-lasting, uplifting benefits, in the bedroom and beyond, can pay off.
Scorpio ♏️ (October 23 - November 21)
You may be feeling particularly private and not nearly as vocal about your desires as usual, as romantic Venus moves through your twelfth house of spirituality from August 16 to September 10. You may even want to keep heavy emotions and intense fantasies to yourself.
If so, it may be a sign to take this moment to reflect on exactly why you’re feeling so secretive, meditate (and perhaps journal) on what you really want, and how you can best heal old wounds in order to be more honest and present in a current or future relationship. You may find that in the weeks and months ahead, you’ll be much more satisfied with your efforts to connect with someone special.
And around August 22, when the full moon lights up your fourth house of family life for the second month in a row, you’ll be thinking about what makes you feel more secure and may be inspired to share whatever you discover with your soulmate or someone you’re chatting with. Thinking the same way about things can be a great relief.
Sagittarius ♐️ (November 22 - December 21)
You’re almost always looking for new ways to get out of your comfort zone, but you’ll be able to shake up your usual bedtime routine around August 8, when the new moon falls in your ninth house of adventure. Whether you’re experimenting with exhibitionism, planning a steamy vacation with your significant other, or sending unfiltered sexts to someone else, you’ll feel extra empowered. Being in the moment maximizes your pleasure.
And as romantic Venus moves through your networking 11th house from August 16 to September 10, you'll feel blissful spending more time with your BFFs or coworkers and feeling like you're part of a team. If you're committed, you might finally want to go on that double date with your bestie and their significant other, and if you're single, you might spark something with someone you meet through a mutual friend.
Capricorn ♑️ (December 22 - January 19)
Your dating and love life has likely taken some wild turns lately, but while Uranus retrograde is in your fifth house of romance and self-expression from August 19 to January 18, 2022, you may be more reflective and internalizing, and may want to rethink your approach to love.
This time is all about getting comfortable with letting your inner freak out and sharing what makes you unique - and a little bit of a weirdo - with that special someone. If they're a good fit, it should bring you closer.
And as the confident sun moves through your ninth house of higher learning from August 22 to September 22, you’ll be more assertive as you venture out to have eye-opening, horizon-expanding experiences with your soulmate or a new match. Whether you’re learning a new language together or trading notes on a philosophical podcast, the act of gaining and sharing knowledge can make you feel pretty excited.
Aquarius ♒️ (January 20 – February 18)
As relationship-focused Venus moves through your ninth house of adventure from August 16 to September 10, you'll be even more interested than usual in coming face-to-face with your important values and spirituality with your lover or a potential partner. Engaging in exciting conversations about making plans to see the world or trying out different kinds of spiritual sexual experiences or pursuing higher education could make for a totally transformative — not to mention stunningly hot — experience.
And around August 22nd, when the full moon falls into your sign for the second month in a row, embraced by lucky Jupiter, you’ll be extra sensitive and feeling your emotions in a particularly powerful way. If it’s time for you to move on from a connection that just isn’t sparking the way it should, or if you’re ready to take the next step in a long-term relationship, this could absolutely be the time to either make it through or call it quits.
Pisces ♓️ (February 19 – March 20)
Taking a step back from the daily grind to prioritize self-care can be a bit of a struggle around August 22, when the full moon falls in your twelfth house of spirituality. But because the moon joins lucky Jupiter in the same zone, you’ll be even more empowered than usual to prioritize your mental health and nurture your spirit.
Talking about your feelings with your soulmate or someone special can bring you even closer together and can make you feel supported in a beautiful, refreshing way.
And with the confident Sun moving through your seventh house of partnership from August 22 to September 22, it will be easier than usual to work with someone you care about to achieve shared goals. Joining forces on even the most practical tasks can strengthen your bond.